College ID : SPPU / NS / BCA / 94 / 2006
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University

 From Academic Year 2024-25 Entrance Test is compulsory for admissions to First Year BBA and BBA(CA). For more details visit news section.

Board of Student Development

Name : Smt. V. V. Patil

Designation : Assistant Professor, Co-ordinator

Qualification : M.Sc.(Electronics), NET

Contact No :

Email ID : 

Board of student development was established in C.M.C.S college in the academic year 2014-15.BSD department arranged the various activities for student development in collaboration with Savitribai Phule Pune university. The College submitted the proposal for the listed activities and received the grant to run the activities in the college. From the year 2014college framework the committee and assigned the role for each committee members to run the activities under this department. This department arranged the various activities for student skill enhancement as well as overall development of the student related with his personality, skill, ability and competency.


  • To provide financial assistant with the help of earn and learn scheme.
  • To guide and motivate student.
  • To make them independent and empower them.
  • BSD promotes and co-ordinates the different students’ activities for better corporate life.
  •  BSD tries to nurture students' mental, physical, cultural growth with various activities to improve their overall personality development
  • To make them civilized Indian citizens to compete in the globalized world. .


Schemes of University of Pune under student development board.

  • Earn and Learn
  • Special Guidance Scheme
  • Nirbhay kanya  Abhiyan
  • Personality Development
  • Student Safety Insurance Scheme
  • Student Counseling
  • Soft Skill Development workshop



Every year the organization has been giving chance to faculty member to run the activities assigned under this department. From that point of view they make a committee and give role and responsibility to each member of the committee. Member of the committee use their knowledge and make planning related to activities.


Name Designation
Smt. V. V. Patil Head
Shri. A. B. Bodake Member



The following is the list of various activities conducted by BSD from the beginning.


Name of activity



 Earn and learn

 Nirbhay kanya abhiyan

 Student counseling

 Soft skill workshop





 Earn and learn

 Nirbhay kanya abhiyan

 Allumni meet

 Girls personality development workshop





 Earn and learn

 Disaster management workshop

 Workshop on recent trend in management –entrepreneurship development

 Special guidance scheme






 Earn and learn

 Special guidance scheme

 Girls personality development workshop